Welcome to the UltraEscape

No home, no car, no worries. On the road since 1996, a TechNomad couple share their travel secrets and adventures.

Evening Endeavour

The alarm was set for 2 A.M. The early evening forecast was promising. Several stars were already visible. We were excited. Tonight the space shuttle Endeavour was scheduled to fly at 2:28 A.M.

The plan was in place. Listen for the alarm, get up, slip into something, walk to the beach, compete with each other to see who could spot the most shooting stars until flight time. We had been told we should be able to see the shuttle as it streaked into space from anywhere on the beach.

Then reality set in. No one set the alarm. Not a problem. I awoke at 1:30 A.M. only to discover that cloud cover obscured the sky and not a star was in sight. Oh, well. We rolled over and went back to sleep.

The NASA photos of mission STS-123 are spectacular. Maybe next time.

1 comment:

M G said...

That is totally COOL!!!!!! Too bad you did not get a chance to see it. I do wonder though, if you could actually see it through the clouds! Personally, if it was not raining, I would have been walking on the beach at that time.